Featured Lumberjack of the Week October 17th

Featured Lumberjack of the Week October 17th

It's time for our fifth installment of the featured Lumberjack and Ladyjack of the Week. For this week's featured Ladyjack click here. This week's featured Lumberjack is Leighton Holstein of the Men's Hockey Team.

Leighton Holstein, Sophomore, Boissevain, MB, Canada, Men's Hockey

What is your favorite tv show?

How I Met Your Mother

Who is your favorite athlete?

Patrick Kane

What is your favorite quote?

"It's not a race, it's a marathon

What is your favorite pizza topping


What is your favorite movie?

Top Gun

Stay tuned to dcbjacks.com and DCB social media channels for next week's featured Lumberjack and Ladyjack of the week.