Featured Ladyjack of the Week October 17th

Featured Ladyjack of the Week October 17th

It's time for our fifth installment of the featured Lumberjack and Ladyjack of the Week. For this week's featured Lumberjack click here.  This week's featured Ladyjack is Nevaeh Christanson of the Clay Target Team.

Nevaeh Christanson, Freshman, Bottineau, ND, Clay Target.

What is your favorite food?

Mashed Potatoes

What is your favorite tv show?

Big Brother

Who is your favorite sports team?

Pittsburgh Penguins

What is your snapchat score?


If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

Teleportation, then I could go to Hawaii whenever I wanted.

Stay tuned to dcbjacks.com and DCB social media channels for next week's featured Lumberjack and Ladyjack of the week.